Victoria Butterfly Gardens
In our climate controlled environment, (26 Celsius and 80% humidity), you will wander through lush jungles of plants native to tropical rainforest environments. Stroll along the pathways past organic vanilla beans growing on the vine, papaya trees, pineapple, coffee beans, ginger and many other foods of the world growing in our organic soil.As you mingle with our tropical animals, you will be pleased to discover that they are all donated to, or rescued by, our Garden. We showcase the biodiversity that the tropics have to offer.This carefully planned combination of trees, bushes, vines and creepers is a balanced jungle-like eco-system that flourishes without the use of herbicides and pesticides.We are located just 5 minutes from ‘world famous’ The Butchart Gardens.
1461 Benvenuto Avenue
Brentwood Bay, BC
V8M 1J5
Amenities and Services