Diverse Ways to Celebrate Lunar New Year in Vancouver

The Lunar New Year begins January 22, 2023, ushering in renewed prosperity, abundance, and connectivity. The Chinese zodiac names 2023 as the Year of the Rabbit, which is characterized as being hopeful and gentle, yet nimble.
Vancouver’s diverse and vibrant Asian populations will be hosting numerous events to usher in the Lunar New Year, including a parade, community gatherings, as well as meals to promote good fortune and togetherness.
… See these INSIDE VANCOUVER article excerpts featuring Gardens BC locations: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and UBC Botanical Garden.
Lunar New Year at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

There are so many ways at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden to recognize the rich cultural traditions tied to the Lunar New Year. The serene Garden is holding a full roster of activities and performances January 21 to 22 from 11am to 6pm. Highlights include a lion dance by the Hon Hsing Athletic Club, a performance by City Opera Vancouver, and storytelling by Keann Suen and Mia Zhou. Other activities range from arts and crafts to various food and drink available (e.g., dumplings by Dicky’s Dumps, single origin teas by Teakan, and noisette cookies by Olivia). They’ll also be launching a new exhibition, Billion Buns by Chairman Ting.
UBC Botanical Garden: Lunar New Year Market

For the first time, UBC Botanical Garden is holding a Lunar New Year event, taking place January 14-15. It will be held at the Reception Centre and will involve lion dances, dance performances by YunTang Dance Club and UBC Hanfu Culture Society, kung fu performances by UBC Kung Fu Club, flowers and plants for sale, as well as local artisan vendors, such as Clay & Glo, Simply Homayd, and The Pawlosophy.
Article courtesy Destination Vancouver – INSIDE VANCOUVER
Read the full article: insidevancouver.ca/2023/01/10/diverse-ways-to-celebrate-lunar-new-year-in-vancouver/
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